Current members (116) are listed below the Q&A.


Q.  What is the Total Place Network?

A. A group of 100+ people from central government, local government, the NHS, police, academia, think tanks and consultancies.   Anyone whose work is relevant to Total Place or whose organisation might benefit from it may be a member, in their personal capacity not as a representative.

Q.   What is the network’s purpose?

A. Encourage and support Total Place to secure better local outcomes and cost savings, including the relevant local implementation of national missions.

Q.  Who runs the network?

A. The intention is that it will be run by a committee chosen by its members.

Q.  What is the cost and commitment of membership?

A. Nil and whatever a member wants it to be.

Q.  What will the network do?

A. Assemble, grow and curate a body of Total Place practical knowledge; promote local initiative; advise and support as requested any organisation which may wish to proceed; make the case to central government for evolving the national/local relationship to enable Total Place.

Q.  How does the Network relate to central government intentions?

A. Total Place promotes co-operation across organisational boundaries, experimentation and learning, cost discipline and the fuller involvement of communities.  It therefore complements the intent of devolution, the local realisation of national missions, the Cabinet Office’s ‘test, learn and grow’ programme and ministers’ declared aim of more adventurous and dynamic public services.

Q.  What are the immediate tasks? 

A. Develop the list of central government ‘quick wins’; build three generic Total Place engagements to be made bespoke for a particular locality; put the case to the Cabinet Office for how public service renewal might best proceed

Q.  Will the network trade?

A. No.  It may signpost inquirers to appropriate paid advisers.

Q.   Is the network a politically-affiliated organisation?

A.   No.

Q.   Is the network a think tank or lobby?

A. No.  It will draw on the research, reports and recommendations of think tanks and it will make the case to government for changes to the system and to how the centre works, but its purpose is practical implementation. 

Current members of the Total Place Network are listed alphabetically below. Membership is open without cost or commitment to anyone whose work is relevant to Total Place. Email the site administrator to be added. Members are so as individuals, not representatives. Their organisations are shown to help make connections. The administrator will provide email addresses on request where members are happy to be contacted by others.

 Total Place Network Members

Damian Allen CEO, Doncaster                       

Laura Ambler                                 Director of Place, BSW ICB

 Ceri Armstrong                              Adult Social Care, Thurrock 

 Helen Bailey                                  CEO, Sutton

 Patrick Barbour                             Director, Effective Governance Forum

 Pam Barrett                                   Director Better Places, Be Buckfastleigh 

 Lord (Michael) Bichard                Former Perm Sec, DfEE; former Director, IfG

 Les Billingham                               Head of Adult Services, Thurrock

 Tony Blake                                     Director, Shared Intelligence

Jo Blundell                                     Co-Director, Place Matters

 Tony Bovaird                                 Professor of Public Management, INLOGOV

 Sophie Broadfield                         Director of Communities, Bath&NES

John Bruce Jones                        Director, Stanton Marris

 Mike Burton                                   Editorial Director, MJ Group

 Dominic Campbell                        Partner, Impossible Ideas     

 Andrew Carter                               CEO, Centre for Cities

 Philip Clifford                                 Senior Adviser, LGA

John Copps                                   Asst Director, Mutual Ventures

 Dan Corry                                       Former Head of No 10 Policy Unit

 Hilary Cottam                                Social entrepreneur, author ‘Radical Help’

Jess Crowe Director Culture, Strategy & Engagement, Haringey

 Polly Curtis                                    CEO, Demos, author ‘Behind Closed Doors’

 Wayne deLeeuw                           CEO, Dorothy House Hospice

 Piali Das Gupta                            Strategy Director, London Councils

Nick Davies Programme Director, Institute for Government

 John Denham                                Former SofS, Communities & Local Govt

 Philip Dobson                                Director, PwC                                                          

 Graeme Duncan                            CEO, Right to Succeed

 Graham Farrant                            CEO, BCP Council

Alex Fox Delivery Director, IMPOWER

Joe Fyans Head of Research, Localis

 Ben Glover                                     Former Head of Social Policy, Demos

 Ali Griffin                                        CEO, London Councils

 Darin Halifax                                  NHS Devon CCG

 Andrew Haldenby                         Director, Aiming for Health Success

 Donna Hall                                     Former CEO, Wigan

 Hannah Hesselgreaves               Professor Public Sector Reform, Manchester Met

 Stuart Hoddinott                           Senior Researcher, IfG

 Dan Honig                                      Associate Prof Public Policy, UCL; author

 Heather Jameson                         Editor, MJ

Thomas Johnson Director Public Service Reform, Greater Manchester CA

 Kate Josephs                                CEO, Sheffield

 Simon Kaye                                   Director of Policy, Reform

 Ruth Kennedy                               Founder and Director, The Public Office

 Halima Khan                                  CEO, Paul Hamlyn Foundation

 Nick Kimber                                   Director Public Service Reform, Cabinet Office

 Paul Kissack                                  CEO, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

 Tim Knox                                        Former Director, Centre for Policy Studies

 Andrew Laird                                 Managing Director, Mutual Ventures

 Mark Lloyd                                     Executive Director, IMPOWER

 Sarah Longlands                          CEO, Centre for Local Economic Strategies

 Toby Lowe                                     Professor of Public Management, Manchester Met

 Jason Lowther                              Director, INLOGOV

 Su Maddock                                  Leadership consultant

 Peter Makeham                            Former DG Reform, Home Office and Education

 Lisa McCance                               Director, Shared Intelligence

 Ann McGauran                              Commissioning Editor, MJ

 Rebecca McKee                           Senior Researcher, IfG

 Louisa Mitchell                              CEO, AllChild

 Stephen Moir                                 CEO, Cambridgeshire

 Jackie Mould                                 Service Director Strategy & Improvement, Wakefield

 Rebecca Murphy                          CEO, Collaborate

 Chris Naylor                                   Managing Director, Inner Circle Consulting

 Gareth Newell                               Head of Performance & Partnerships, Cardiff

 Frances Northrop                         Head Community Economic Power, NEF

 Andrew O’Brien                            Independent Commission on Neighbourhoods

 Paul Orders                                   CEO, Cardiff

 Clair Parker                                    Regional Programme Manager, Wakefield

 Simon Parker                                Strategy Director, South Gloucs

 Akash Paun                                   Programme Director, IfG

 Lee Peart                                        Healthcare Editor, Hemming Group

 Andrew Phillips                             Senior Researcher, Demos

 Sam Plum                                      CEO, Westmorland & Furness

 James Plunkett                             Chief Practices Officer, NESTA

 Robert Pollock                              CEO, Cambridge

 Thomas Pope                                Deputy Chief Economist, IfG

Barry Quirk                                    Former CEO, Kensington & Chelsea

 Martin Reeves                               CEO, Oxfordshire

 Isla Reynolds                                 Director, Communications & Marketing, BCP

Angie Ridgwell                              CEO, Hertfordshire

 Mark Rogers                                  CEO, Leadership Centre

 Eve Roodhouse                            Director of Strategy, LGA

 Martin Routledge                          Convenor, Social Care Future

 Alison Ryan                                    Former Chair, RUH Bath

 Sian Sanders                                 Head of Community Safety & Cohesion, Cardiff

 Helen Sanderson                          Director, Helen Sanderson Associates      

 Paddy Schmidt                             Manager, Economics Consulting, PwC

 Andrew Seekings                         CEO, Cumberland

Merron Simpson CEO, Health Creation Alliance

 Steve Skelton                                Director, Policy & Strategy, Liverpool CA

J P Spencer Director of Devolution Policy, Labour Together

 Mark Smith                                    Consultant, public service reform

 Ginny Snaith                                  Director, Population Health Management, NHS Devon

 Danny Sriskandarajah                 CEO, New Economics Foundation 

 Claire Spencer                              Chief of Staff to Mayor, East Midlands CA

 Marc Stears                                   Director, UCL Policy Lab

 Jessica Studdert                           CEO, New Local

 Phil Swann                                     PhD student, INLOGOV

 Emily Sun                                       Co-director, Place Matters

 Benjamin P Taylor                        CEO, Red Quadrant

Claire Taylor COO, Sheffield

 Matthew Taylor                             CEO, NHS Confederation

 Stephen Taylor                              Former CEO, Leadership Centre

Lee Tillman                                    AD Policy, Doncaster

 Kristian Tomblin                            Commissioning Manager Public Health, Devon

 Robin Tuddenham                        CEO, Calderdale

 Ed Vainker                                     CEO, Reach Foundation

 Ian Wake                                        Director Adult Social Services, Norfolk

 Nick Walkley                                  Principal & UK President, Avison Young

 Gary Wallace                                 Public Health Specialist, Plymouth

 Lynne Wardle                                Director, Thrive HQ

 Chris Welling                                 Director, Thrive at Five

 Max Wide                                       Enabler, Leadership Centre

 Nick Wilkie                                     Chair, Parent – Infant Foundation

 Michael Wood                               Head Of Economics Partnerships, NHS Confederation

 Nathan Yeowell                             Founder and Director, Future Governance Forum